

Asociația ROTALENT organizează alături de școala “B.P. Hașdeu” Iași, conferința națională “Strategii educaționale pentru susținerea elevilor capabili de performanță”.
Evenimentul se va desfășura la Ateneul din Tătărași (Iași) în data de 1 martie 2018, începând cu ora 12:00. Mai multe detalii despre programul conferinței puteți afla din programul detaliat, pe care îl puteți descărca aici.

Comitetul de organizare
Prof. Elena Manuela VLASIE, director, Școala “B.P. Hașdeu” Iași
Prof. Luminita DORU, director adjunct, Şcoala “B.P. Hașdeu” Iași
Prof. Florentina PRECUP, director adjunct, Şcoala “B.P. Hașdeu” Iași
Dr. Diana CHIHAIA, membru ROTALENT
Prof. psih. Magdalina IOACHIM, membru ROTALENT
Prof. Carmen BUBURUZANU, Şcoala “B.P. Hașdeu” Iași
Prof. Lili DOHOTARIU, Şcoala “B.P. Hașdeu” Iași
Prof. Iulia OLINICI, Şcoala “B.P. Hașdeu” Iași

Comitetul științific
Prof. univ. dr. Carmen Mihaela CREȚU
Lect.univ. dr. Nicoleta ROGOZ
Lect. univ. dr. Elena SEGHEDIN

Lucrările conferinței vor fi publicate într-un volum dedicat. Cerințele de redactare ale lucrărilor pot fi găsite și descărcate aici. De asemenea, puteți descărca template-ul pentru articol în Word97-2003 sau în Word2007-2016.

Înscrierea pentru participare se face pe baza completării fișei care poate fi descărcată de la acest link.

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Association „ECHA – Österreich“ (European Council for High Ability) in cooperation with the University of Salzburg, Department of Education are organizing between 24th of July – 30th of July 2016, in Obertrum (near Salzburg/Austria), a new edition of Platon Youth Forum. For further information and organizational aspects visit the Platon Youth Forum website.

European Council for High Ability (ECHA) in collaboration with Institute TIBI – Thomasianum Department for Gifted Education and Innovation and Federal Ministry of Research, Science and Economy Austria organised between 29th of February to 5th of March 2016 the 15th Conference of the European Council for High Ability.


“Fiends of Platon” club in cooperation with University of Salzburg and “ECHA-Österreich” (European Council for High Ability) are organizing between 28th of July – 3rd of August 2013, in Obertrum (near Salzburg/Austria), the new edition of Platon Youth Forum. For further information and organizational aspects visit the Platon Youth Forum website.


ECHA Österreich (European Council for High Ability) and the University of Salzburg are organizing between 22nd – 28th of July 2012, in Obertrum (near Salzburg/Austria), the new edition of Platon Youth Forum. For further information and organizational aspects visit the Platon Youth Forum website.

The second virtual multidisciplinary congress on the topic of giftedness starts in January 2012. The topics covered within this event are addressing the issues of gifted children and the strategies for identifying, understanding and offering support in making their life better.

The organizers of the congress are Sophie COTE and Dr. Valérie FOUSSIER.

Find more information by visiting the website of the congress. All the materials and talks will be available there, after the congress ends.


ECHA Österreich (European Council for High Ability) and the University of Salzburg organized between 24th – 30th of July 2011, in Obertrum (near Salzburg/Austria), the 8th edition of Platon Youth Forum. For further information and organizational aspects visit the Platon Youth Forum website.

Between 14th and 28th of May 2011 is taking place the first virtual multidisciplinary congress on the topic of gifted children and strategies for identifying, understanding and offering support in making their life better. The congress is organised by Sophie COTE and Dr. Valérie FOUSSIER.

For more information please visit the event’s website. All the materials and talks remain on the website and will be available after the congress ends.