Project’s aim:
The project aims to train SMEs and NGOs managers in the field of project management. The need for training in this field was shown by a number of studies and surveys reflecting unsatisfactory success rates of projects in SMEs and NGOs.
The project’s objectives are: trainers’ forming and new course modules development which will modify the standard methodologies and their use in smaller projects implemented by SMEs and NGOs. The use of proven project management methodologies in smaller institutions will lead to higher success rates of their projects.
Deliverables include reading list (for beginners but also to more advanced learners seeking advice on best resources), course modules, full new Grundtvig course, project website and a manual for trainers.
The project is original by focusing on SMEs and NGOs and on the use of proven project management methodologies. The international cooperation will bring excellent expertise to the project. There will be at least 6 common workshops in partner countries. In addition, managers from SMEs and NGOs will be invited to join these workshops. Practitioners will present their projects implementation experience and will bring other practical experience for development of modules.
Financial resources:
This project is funded with support from Lifelong Learning Programme, Grundtvig Learning Partnership.
Project Partners:
One of the project partners is Ozyegin University from Turkey which was set up in 2007 as an institution combining education, research and innovation and reflecting the needs of modern society. Within the university Centre for Entrepreneurship was set up as a platform that provides and develops entrepreneurship training, activities and services for its clients, including for SMEs.
The second partner is Romanian NGO, ROTALENT acting in the field of education and social assistance for talented children and youth. Its goal is especially to support individuals from disadvantaged social, cultural or economic areas. Its main activities are focusing on counselling (psychological, educational), lifelong learning, conferences, intercultural programs and others.
The third partner and coordinator of the project as well is Wisdoma Ltd. from Czech Republic, which has a lot of practical experience with investment and soft project in both Czech and international environment. Key staff teaches at University of Economics in Prague, specialized in the project management, managerial decision-making and EU Structural Funds.
Faculty of Business Administration is one of the 6 schools comprising University of Economics in Prague. Faculty offers study programs from undergraduate to graduate (master and doctorate) level in both Czech and English language. Students are prepared for positions in management, start-up of and development of enterprises. The quality of programs was confirmed by international accreditation by FIBAA and also by ranking in Financial Times. Besides education the Faculty realizes original research especially on the topic of new economic and management theory. Representatives of Faculty are members of prestigious expert institutions, among lecturers and other co-workers you can find CEOs from public institutions, large enterprises and entrepreneurs.
Start Date: 1 August 2010
End Date: 31 July 2012
Project’s webpage: Project management for SMEs and NGOs