We are close to the finalization of the PM ExTra project and very excited about this 2 years partnership. In order to set everything for projects outcomes, our partners from Prague, Wisdoma and University of Economics organized the final meeting of the project between 29th of June – 1st of July. The main objectives of the meeting were:
- Going over the last meeting tasks;
- Comments and finalizing of the reading list associated with the course;
- Presentation of individual project results (syllabus, handouts, research etc.);
- Working on modules – giving feedback to the authors of modules;
- Planning the final report (setting up deadlines, clarifying rules and content);
- Checking the project outputs and mobilities left.
The learners who participated at this meeting had the chance to assist to project’s wrap-up and get involved in a discussion on how the trainings on PM can be organized and delivered after finishing our project. The format of the course will be five days course (typical for Grundtvig courses) with three to four modules a day. The benefits for the target audience will be:
- assessment of own maturity for the role of a project manager;
- basic orientation in competencies of a project manager;
- understanding of key processes of project management;
- familiarization with best practice in the area of project management;
- application of competencies gained on practical assignment.
Pictures taken during our last meetings day can be found on our Photo section from this website. Also, for other details, visit PM ExTra’s website.